Abstract: A comprehensive calculated and experimental research of thermal processes in the solid heat storage elements of the proposed construction of two channels of circular cross section of chamotte. Adapted mathematical model of heat exchange processes to modes of operation electrothermal storage (ETS). Has been solved the direct conjugate heat conduction problem by finite element method. Reveals the factors which significantly influence the distribution of temperature in the heat storage element during the charge period and the heat output of ETS: natural convection in the air channel of heat storage element in charge of the period, the change of the heated air temperature along the channel height and heat transfer by radiation and convection from the outside ETS surface of the housing ETS. Experimental studies consist in measuring the temperatures at certain points of the heat storage elements and of the ETS using thermocouples chromel-alumel. The purpose of the experiment is to obtain data on the change of temperatures in the heat storage material, heat insulation, heated air in the channels and on the surface of the housing ETS during the period of the charge and the heat output. Obtained values of temperatures allows to judge about the nature and dynamics of heating and cooling the heat storage elements and also allow to check the validity of the obtained results of numerical modeling of heat transfer processes in heat storage elements ETS by comparing them.
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