Estimating the Engineering and Technical Performances for the Stage Thermal Circuit of Turbine Unit Operating on Low-Boiling Working Media




The data of engineering and economical analysis on the estimation of the value of required investments and the payback period in the case of implementation of the two-cascade cogeneration plant of a low power to realize "the biopower village" strategy have been given. The basic engineering and economical performances of mini-heat power plant were defined for climatic conditions in the city of Zaporozie. It has been established that the realization of this mini-HPP with the installed electric power of 110 KW can be promising (the 3.2 – year payback period) only at the standard fuel price of at least 40 USD and the energy price of 2.2. UAH (KW∙h) and the heat price of 2200 UAH/Gcal. At the installed electric power of mini-HPP of 450 KW (350 KW∙e for the first ORC (organic Rankin Cycle) loop) and 100 kW∙e for the second loop and the same prices for the electric power and the heat the realization of it can be promising at 70 USD/t.s.f. (tons of standard fuel). The research was done to compare a change in payback periods for the given mini HPP depending on the prices for energy carriers. The obtained data showed that for the project of mini-HPP operating on the biomass with the power of 110 kW∙e at available prices for power carriers the payback period will exceed 5 years. To shorten the payback period it is expedient to realize mini-HPP starting from the electric power of 450–550 kW∙e. The ordinary payback period for such a power plant will range from 2.7 to 4 years depending on the specific cost of the equipment. If the biomass power energy is sold at a current "green rate" (0.1239 EUR/(kW∙h) available in Ukraine the payback period for the given mini-HPP will be reduced 1.5 times. The preferences established by the State (+5 %) using the equipment manufactured in Ukraine will make the proposed mini HPP even more competitive.

Біографія автора

Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Senetskyi, A. N. Podgorny Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems NAS of Ukraine


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Як цитувати

Shubenko, O., Babak, M., Senetskyi, O. V., & Sarapin, V. (2017). Estimating the Engineering and Technical Performances for the Stage Thermal Circuit of Turbine Unit Operating on Low-Boiling Working Media. Вісник Національного технічного університету «ХПІ». Серія: Енергетичнi та теплотехнiчнi процеси й устаткування, (11), 6–15.



Енергетичні та теплотехнічні процеси й устаткування