Defining the Fields for the Rational Application of Eddy Expansion Turbomachines by Using Criterion Systems


  • Sergej Vanyeyev Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine, Україна
  • Dmytro Valeriyovych Miroshnychenko Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine, Україна



Low-power (up to 500 kW) expansion turbomachines (ETM) and the units based on them are frequently used for the solution of ecology and energy-saving problems to increase the reliability and the technological effectiveness of the equipment. When developing low-power units we face the problems related to a decrease in the efficiency of classic expansion turbomachines. Today, the market offers comparatively new low flow-rate eddy expansion turbomachines and as a result we have to define the fields for their rational application and their advantages in comparison with analogous options. This scientific paper defines the criterion systems for the comparative analysis of the performances of low flow- rate low-power ETM of a different type. The experimental data of investigation of the flow channels of eddy expansion machines with the external peripheral channel were analyzed and the relationships between the criterion systems used for eddy ETM were obtained and the fields for their rational application, in particular to develop low-power (up to 500 kW) low flow-rate and low-speed turbogenerators and turbodrives for the industry, municipal engineering and agriculture were defined.  The main advantages of eddy expansion machines in comparison to axial or radial machines are their relatively simple design, technological effectiveness, low production cost price and comparatively low speed. Therefore, if the eddy ETM is used the unit can be designed using no reduction gear. The advantages of eddy expansion machines enable the manufacturing of a rather simple and reliable turbodrive or turbogenerator with the payback period of 1 to 2 years.


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Як цитувати

Vanyeyev, S., & Miroshnychenko, D. V. (2017). Defining the Fields for the Rational Application of Eddy Expansion Turbomachines by Using Criterion Systems. Вісник Національного технічного університету «ХПІ». Серія: Енергетичнi та теплотехнiчнi процеси й устаткування, (10), 66–74.



Енергетичні та теплотехнічні процеси й устаткування